Jason Helmintoller

(Acoustic Guitar)

Matt has told me that in order for us get this web site that I have to write my manifesto. Honestly I dont even know what a manifesto is. So instead of looking like an asshole and saying, "What's a manfiesto." I just told him alright, I'd get it to him soon. So here I am writing my manifesto. Actually I would like to pause at this time and go look up the word so that I know what I'm doing. Hold on. Manifesto: (A public declaration of intentions, motives, or views.) Sounds easy enough I suppose. Let me begin, and since this is the first "manifesto" that I've written I am going to follow the definition as it is shown in the dictionary. I think that I'll do it in subject form.


- I really dont have any intentions. If I had to come up with some, which it looks like I do, I would say that my intentions are to live my life. I still am having a little difficulty dealing with this entire mortal thing. Death is a stranger to me. I realize that it exists and happens every day. I fortunantly have not experienced it personally. I am not saying that I haven't died yet. Emphasis on the yet, but no one close to me has died. I've only been to one funeral. One! I get the feeling that as I grow older this whole dying thing is going to make sense. It's inevitable people are going to die. You, me, and everyone around us. Its hard to comprehend. WOW this has really started off on a bitter note. Sorry. I didnt make the rules. So the way that I see it is enjoy. Be good to each other. Make each others life pleasant because this is it. This is all you get. Make it worth while.


- Well motives are about the same as intentions. So instead of writing about motives I am going to write about what motivates me. Now this is a trickey subject. I first have to establish what I am motivated to do. There are so many aspects that its hard to pin point one. I will start with the obvious everyday life. What motivates me to get up in the morning and go to work? I would have to say that the main reason that I go is because I would rather not be homeless. I like having something to eat every once in awhile and a jacket on when it's cold outside. I hate money! Unfortunantly I cannot live without it. What a horrible thought to be so dependent on a little piece of paper with some dead guy's face on it. Don't get me wrong I am not obsessed. I dont worry about these things, although when you think about it it is troubling.

- The things that motivate me to play music are much easier. I just enjoy it. I can sit down in a quiet room alone, and strum the same chord over and over and never get bored. (that last statement may have been a little exaggurated, but not by much) It soothes me and takes me to a place far from here. It's true. Ask anyone who has ever tried to hold a conversation with me when I had a guitar in my hand. They will tell you.

- The motivaion for me to write songs is so that I can try and share this feeling with you.


- My views are simple you have already seen some of them above so I'll just give you a few more. I view the world as an angry, stingy place where the guy next to you will screw you over for his gain in a second. Somewhere along the line I have found peace in this place. This peace lies within the faces of all my friends old and new. ( you can't get much more sappy than this) I am happy to be there for you, even though you are all suckas. Dont ever hesitate to ask me for anything. (unless its between the hours of: 7am - 9pm Monday-Friday, Saturday 9am - 12pm)

That's it. I hope that you have found my "manifesto" informitive and enlightening, if anything at least interesting. If you think it sucks sorry its my first one. Although some of my thoughts may seem somewhat negative you will find that in real life I am not a pessimist but an optimist. If you dont believe me come out to one of our shows and I will prove it to you. You'll see.

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